Finally after two and a half weeks of struggling with the appetite blues, our Fa is back to eating her normal healthy meal portion. She's lost weight again due to the serious bout of illness but that's definitely something that can be fixed. Tomorrow's the big day. She'll undergo exploratory surgery as a lump has been found in the abdomen area. An earlier xray was unfortunately, inconclusive. As animals are unable to help with relating symptoms, in cases like this, exploratory surgery is the next step. I worry about how her body will take the surgery as she's still on the path of healing.
We spend our time together every other day and she knows our routine well. Animals appreciate routine. When I arrive there's the initial madness, from Fa and her companions boarding at the vet's. Some of her other long term companions have become my friends too. Then we go for a walk and talk. Lots of play and running and checking out the corners around the block. Then the picnic surprise- these days its hard boiled eggs or chicken with brown rice to try and boost her protein intake. Yesterday's visit activity included a bath to get all ready for the big day tomorrow. With all the excitement at each visit, it's like she ticks off what we do in our routine and then she's all ready to get back to her enclosure and lies down satisfied, until the next visit.
We spend our time together every other day and she knows our routine well. Animals appreciate routine. When I arrive there's the initial madness, from Fa and her companions boarding at the vet's. Some of her other long term companions have become my friends too. Then we go for a walk and talk. Lots of play and running and checking out the corners around the block. Then the picnic surprise- these days its hard boiled eggs or chicken with brown rice to try and boost her protein intake. Yesterday's visit activity included a bath to get all ready for the big day tomorrow. With all the excitement at each visit, it's like she ticks off what we do in our routine and then she's all ready to get back to her enclosure and lies down satisfied, until the next visit.

unfortunately she's developed a fear of the vet and does the earthquake shiver when he's near
she was muzzled because the vet had to feel for the lump in her abdonmen which is quite deep in and street dogs can be defensive when they are scared and in pain

This wound on her tail tip has baffled us as she's had it for more than 2 months and considering the antibiotics she's been on, it's strange that it's taking so long to heal. This was the initial reason we thought she might have caught leptospirosis as the infection can be passed on by a bite from a rat and this seemed a possibility at that time. It's causing her considerable pain and she cries when handled for a closer look. The fur off the tail tip has been shaven for better examination and keeping an eye on it. It seems the infection has gone right to the bone and that might be the reason for all that pain. Time and patience.

all happy and ready for a lie-down after the party
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