This is my diary about Hope.
Often when we set out on a path, we make targets and plan for results. Our lives are so oriented towards achievement that the possibility of failure probably means we would not choose to embark on that path. Although the irony of Life is that just when we are dead sure of things, it doesn't even always turn out the way we planned and managed things!
This journey is not one of those. There are no guarantees, there are no clear markers for success. This is a journey of the heart, of hope and faith. Perhaps what we are learning each day is not to focus on where all this will take us at the end point and the constant weighing of whether each effort, each step is worth something. Rather this is about each and every moment with Hope, about Hope and about each of our journeys of discovery, growth and realizations. And if we see the richness in each day, and live in moments- then surely we have reached a summit many of us do not recognize and take for granted every day.
Hope was rescued off the streets and has already spent a month boarding at the vet.
Her pressure sores on both shoulders and hips are pretty severe at this stage.
Her ribs are showing from malnutrition and she has heavy yellow discharge from her dry eyes. She seems quite listless.
Hope lying on kid’s floaties to take the pressure off her sores which have almost gone through to the bone by now.
Started on Hope’s PROM (Passive Range of Motion) physiotherapy 5 days ago.
Hope’s pressure sores are a constant challenge.
Her hind legs have suffered from muscle atrophy and disuse. There's no movement as her hind legs are totally paralyzed and limp.

Here’s Hope at P&R's home. They’re making sure she’s well-cushioned and the main concern now is to reduce her pressure sores and increase her overall well-being.
She’s being turned every hour to help with the pressure sores. Her caregivers are kind and attentive and it’s only with this kind of care can the pressure sores be alleviated.
Looking after Hope is a full-time responsibility. P&R are in an ideal position as they are retired and able to give her the attention she needs for now. Needless to say, their kind hearts are part of the healing formula.

10 Apr 08
She shows interest in her surroundings and people. She has begun to sit up on her elbows. She whimpers to call for P.
Her sores have improved tremendously and are granulating well. The wound doesn’t look so sunken any more.

15 Apr 08

The diameter of her sores have shrunk considerably. Her shoulder wound has closed.

This is the dining room which P&R so generously cleared of furniture for Hope's use.

Hope getting attention from her visitors and very caring benefactor.

Hope sitting up but still has no use of her back legs.
If this were a perfect life, she would have been treated by an orthopedic vet and neuropathologic surgeon. But such treatment is not readily available in this part of the world. Acupuncture would have been another desirable treatment but again, no expertise is available here.
Her ribs no longer show with proper diet and her hind legs have some flesh now.
Her caregivers have done such a great job.
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